Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR) regulation 9.2

ASB NNLW1 - Notification of non-licensed work with asbestos

Contact details

Location of work being notified

In which local authority is the work location situated?  

Please indicate the local authority area in which the site is located. You need to select the Country first, then the geographical area (England only), and finally the local authority.
Selecting the local authority will help ensure that the appropriate Enforcing Authority (EA) for that area receives the notification.
For local authorities in England, each is allocated to a geographical area. The information is available on 'Find your local council'opens in new window

About the asbestos
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Please indicate the type of asbestos. Ideally the owner or person in control of the workplace will have informed the worker/employer about the asbestos materials. This information should include the location and nature of the ACM (asbestos-containing materials). If this information is available use it to answer. If it is not available you should assume blue and brown asbestos are present.

Please provide an estimate of the quantity of asbestos involved in no more than 35 characters to indicate the scale of the work in contact with asbestos materials.You can spill over into the activity and processes field if you need to, but be really brief. You may need to indicate the condition of the ACM here (or in the activity and processes field) by using the words 'good' and 'bad' if they are/or are not very broken or in poor condition.

Examples include 'unscrew 3 panels good AIB', 'removal 2mx3m area of artex', 'remove 50 bad (indicates very delaminated poor) AC (indicates asbestos cement) panels', 'repair pipe AI & reseal 6cmsq'.

Note that you do not:

  • Necessarily need to provide ACM weights especially if there is no removal
  • Provide the full title for common acronyms to the regulator
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Please provide brief details of the activity and process involved. These should cover the general nature and scale of the activity e.g. smart meter installation / disturbance to AIB (asbestos insulating board) but not detailed information such as a plan of work or method statement.

(please specify)

Thank you for submitting your Non Licensed Asbestos form

Your form has been received and has been assigned the Notification number . If you wish to keep a copy of the form, please download it using the button below. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY OTHER CONFIRMATION.

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