LGSR1 - Details of property with no record of a gas safety check

Note: [*]denotes mandatory field

About You

Notifier Details

Details of the property with no gas safety record

Details of property with no gas safety record

Tenant Detail

Tenant details (if not notifier)

If you are not the tenant what is the tenant's name?

Up to 2000 characters allowed 0 / 2000 characters

Landlord or agent details

Landlord or agent details

Up to 2000 characters allowed 0 / 2000 characters

Gas appliance(s) details

*What gas appliances at the property are owned by the landlord?

*What gas appliances at the property are owned by the tenant?

Record of the gas safety check

*Do you/the tenant have a current record of the gas safety check?
*If you do not have a current record, have you had one in the past?

Up to 2000 characters allowed 0 / 2000 characters

Up to 2000 characters allowed 0 / 2000 characters

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