Application for a Storage Licence under the Explosives Regulations 2014

  • Please read the ER1 guidance notes before completing this form.
  • You should not use this form for an application for a licence to store the explosives listed in note 1.
  • You should only use this form if you want to store no more than 2000kg of explosives.
  • Please note that it is an offence under Section 33 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 to provide false information. Incomplete or inaccurate information could result in a delay in the processing of your application.
  • The information contained in this form will be stored electronically. The information may, where appropriate, be shared with other relevant bodies such as other local licensing authorities or the Health and Safety Executive. You have the right to request a copy of any personal information and to have any inaccuracies corrected.
  • * indicates a mandatory field.

The information gathered on this form may constitute personal data as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998. Any personal data will be processed in accordance with the requirements of that Act.

* The application is for:

Please state the date of expiry and any reference number.

* Nature of business: [tick the category or categories that apply to this application]

If 'other', please specify the nature of your business.

Are you applying for a licence where the storage will be subject to separation distances? (See note 4)

Details of the applicant: [if you are applying on behalf of a company or limited liability partnership (or, in Scotland only, a partnership), please give its name].

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* Do you have an explosives store at an address different to that above?
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* Do you have a licence for this store?
If yes, please provide the licence number and date of expiry.

If the applicant is not the owner/manager of the business, please give the details of the person with management responsibilities for the store.

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Out of hours contact details (if different from above) – please give the name and telephone number, including mobile if appropriate, of the person to be contacted in an emergency.

Explosives to be kept and quantities

Hazard Type or UN Number
Amount (Net Mass - KG)
Hazard Type or UN Number Amount (Net Mass - KG) Delete?

Table is empty.

* Are you intending to store more than 75kg (net) of ammunition or pyrotechnic articles in a building that adjoins domestic premises?
* Have you had a previous licence or registration refused or revoked?
* Have you been convicted of any offence under legislation on health and safety? (See note 3)
* Have you been convicted of any other offences relating to the storage, sale, supply, importation or possession of fireworks and/or any other explosives? (See note 3)
* Have you been convicted of any offence under any other legislation including offences against the person, dishonesty offences and offences relating to the supply of controlled drugs? (See note 3)

If you have answered “Yes” to any of questions 2-5, please give date(s) and details, including the licensing authority and court where convicted.

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Signature of applicant (or applicant’s representative)

By signing this form you agree to the information provided, in relation the explosives stored e.g. the type and quantity, being shared with the emergency services in the event of an incident.

The completed application form, together with the following documents in support of the application, should be sent to your licensing authority. (Please tick the boxes to confirm the following have been submitted)

Guidance to Applicants

IMPORTANT It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of, and comply with, the Explosives Regulations 2014. The licensing authority has the power to prohibit storage of explosives at the site if it believes the site is no longer suitable. It may also take enforcement action if you are not storing safely.

If you are intending to supply fireworks outside the normal permitted period’s e.g. New Year, Chinese New Year, October 15th-November 10th and Diwali, you will also need to make a separate application to your local licensing authority for a licence to comply with the Fireworks Regulations 2004.

General information on completing the application

1. This form should not be used for an application for a licence to store the explosives listed below:
- relevant explosives (as defined in The Explosive Regulations 2014)
- ammunition the acquisition of which is regulated or prohibited by virtue of the Firearms Acts 1968 to 1997
- smokeless powder or percussion caps
- explosives stored by a person who is registered as a firearms dealer under section 33 of the Firearms Act 1968

If you want to store the explosives listed above, you should use form ER2

You should only use this form if you want to store no more than 2000kg of explosives. If you want to store more than 2000kg of explosives you should apply to the Health and Safety Executive for a licence. Further information on licensing can be found at this link.

2. Please contact your local licensing authority if you have any questions about completing this form or about your application. If you live in the metropolitan counties (i.e. West Midlands, Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Tyne and Wear, South and West Yorkshire) or in Oxfordshire, Cornwall or Norfolk, you will need to apply to the fire and rescue service. In other areas you will normally need to contact the trading standards department of your local authority.

3. Please note: Any previous convictions you may have may be subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and you do not have to include convictions that are ‘spent’ on this application form. Where the application relates to a corporate body or company convictions of all directors should be listed. Where the application relates in Scotland to a partnership, convictions of all partners should be listed. Information on how Licensing Authorities will consider the relevance of previous convictions to an application for a licence can be found at this link.

4. Separation distances - please see Regulation 27 of the Explosives Regulation 2014. You will not normally be required to maintain separation distances if you store no more than:
- 250kg HT4
- 25kg HT3 (or combination of HT3 and HT4)
- 0.1kg HT1
- 0.1kg HT2
on one site. If you are unsure whether your store or on places where you will be manufacturing or processing explosives on site are subject to separation distances, contact your local licensing authority

The following documents should be submitted with the application form:

5. A plan to a scale sufficient to show the location of the site in relation to its surroundings (i.e. named or numbered roads, hamlets, villages or geographical features). Where the site does not have a postal address this should normally be a minimum scale of 1:25000.

6. If the store is subject to separation distances you will also need to provide an Ordnance Survey Siteplan (or similar) map showing the location of the store and distances to any neighbouring buildings. The plan should also show any areas where you intend to process or manufacture explosives where a licence for those activities is not required under regulation 6 of ER2014. The scale will depend on the separation distance. For a distance of up to 200 metres, a 1:1250 would normally be required while greater distance would require a 1:2500 or even a SuperPlan. Where this plan clearly identifies the location of the site in relation to its surroundings it can be substituted for the plan referred to in 5 above.

7. If you intend to store or display more than 12.5kg of fireworks on a shop floor, the licensing authority will require you submit a floor plan of the sales area.

8. If you intend to store, process or manufacture explosives within a building that is also used for other purposes you should include a floor plan showing the places within the building where you intend storing, processing or manufacturing the explosives.

9. The fee must also be submitted with the application. Information on fees can be found at this link, or contact your licensing authority for advice.

Hazard type and quantity

10. The licensing authority will need to know the hazard type and quantity of the explosives you wish to store to determine whether your store is suitable. The quantity you will be allowed to store will depend on the hazard type of the explosives. Please contact your supplier if you are uncertain about the hazard types of explosive you wish to store.

11. The “quantity” refers to the ‘net mass’ of the explosives. This means the weight of the explosive contained within an article i.e. less packaging, casings, etc

Period of validity

12. Licences for fireworks and other explosives that do not require an explosive certificate may be granted for up to 5 years as the licensing authority determines.

Thank you for submitting your Storage Licence under the Explosives Regulations 2014 form.

Your form has been received. Upon receipt and validation of your application, HSE will provide you with access to a secure upload area for providing your supporting documentation.
If you wish to keep a copy of the form, please download it using the button below. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY OTHER CONFIRMATION.